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Welcome to Dorchester Academy
Where Excellence is the Starting Point
Click for Events Calendar
It is HOMECOMING week! Click here for a breakdown of each day's theme .
Josten's will be on campus Monday to take Junior and Senior orders. Payments are required.
Board Meeting Monday at 6:00 in cafeteria
Parents: Visit the "Parents" tab to sign our NEW social media policy.
Beginning Tuesday, upper school students will begin reviewing the Student Handbook with their homeroom teachers.
Interact Club will host Coffee with Community leaders Wednesday.
JV Pep Rally this Thursday
Homecoming pep rally Theme: Maroon and Gold
Thank you for your understanding as our new website team continues to refine their skills. Updates will be daily until site is complete. Send any feedback or questions about the functionality of the site to
More fillable forms are coming soon!
Dorchester Academy welcomes Ashlyn Felkel Evans to our high school math department effective Sept. 3. Mrs. Evans is a member of the DA Class of 2012.
DA welcomes Ashley Zeigler to the faculty. Ms. Zeigler is a 2005 DA graduate. She will teach upper school math, history, and serve as the Spanish and Dual Credit facilitator.
Welcome aboard to Thomas Sandifer! A SCISA graduate and local pastor, Mr. Sandifer joins the faculty to offer high school students a course in ethics.
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