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Junior Varsity Boys

Head Coach: Matt Pope, Assistant Coach: Todd Judy, Manager: Josh Gruber
Back row: Jac Carn, So., Reed Almers, So., Warren Judy, Fr., Clayton Zeigler, Fr.
Front row: Lane Gruber, So., Will Quattlebaum, So., Boone Gruber, Fr., Carter Beeks, Fr., Avery Jones, Fr., Matthew Byron, 8th, Colson Williams, 8th, Lathan Hartzog, So.

Junior Varsity Girls


Head Coach: EJ Almers, Assistant Coach: Christine Johnston
Back row: Ella McClure, 7th, Emma Branch, Fr., Ava Branch, Fr., Brinley Pope, Fr.
Front row: Calder McClure, 6th, Ivy Bryant, 7th, Rylee Mitchum, Fr., Emma Owens, 8th, Traelynne McAlhaney, 7th, Mila Nunez, Fr., Ellis Reeves, 8th

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